Message by H.E. Paul V Galea

Honorary Consul for Malta, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

As members of the Commonwealth, Malta and Malaysia have been associated with each other for a very long time. Malta has a very good relationship with Malaysia also has a non-resident High Commissioner for Malaysia. However, the amount of trade between the two countries has been relatively very small in the past. As the High Commissioner for Malta in Malaysia is non-resident, the Maltese Government appointed an Honorary Consul to look after the interest of Maltese citizens in Malaysia and in particular to improve the commercial ties between the two countries.

Presently Malaysian (and Singaporeans) citizens do not require a Visa to enter the Schengen Area which includes the territory of 26 European Union countries including Malta. However, Citizen of certain countries (Third Countries) will need an Entry Visa or a Transit Visa to enter the Schengen Area.

Mission of the Honorary Consulate in Kuala Lumpur.

The Mission of our consulate in Kuala Lumpur includes the following:
  1. To promote further the friendly relations which exist between Malta and Malaysia.
  2. To develop further the commercial and other relations between the two countries.
  3. To further the lawful interest of Malta and Maltese citizens in Malaysia.

Collaboration and Invitation

To satisfy our objectives we would like to hear from any Malaysian Entrepreneurs and any other interested party who would like to explore the possibility of any business and investment in Malta, thus furthering the good business relationships between Malta and Malaysia. Please complete the Business Enquiry form, click here (B 1) as an initial introduction of your business and we will facilitate the appropriate contacts in Malta.

The number of Maltese citizens living in Malaysia is relatively small, however there are unknown Maltese descents and others who have Maltese connections (such as Australian- Maltese) living or staying in Malaysia for different reasons. It is important for the Maltese Consulate as well as the Minister of Foreign & European Affairs to know the next of kin of such persons in case of any emergency and or any unforeseen problems.

I therefore would like to invite such persons to register with the Maltese Honorary Consulate Office by returning the completed unofficial Maltese Consulate Registration form please click here. (B 2).

Complementary to the above the Minister of Foreign & European Affair has issued a formal Voluntary Registration form click here. (B 3) for all Maltese Citizens living abroad temporary or permanent. If there are any internet connection problems in obtaining this form, please refer directly to for more details and an application form.

If there are any queries regarding this subject please email them directly to the DMLA at

I am sure that you will find our website and information herein useful to the Maltese citizen in Malaysia and also as a general introduction as to what Malta can do for the benefit of Malaysian Companies or Entrepreneurs. I therefore look forward to hear from any interested party in the near future.

Paul V. Galea

Malta Honorary Consul
Kuala Lumpur